Transitional Tudor Manor


Traders Boulevard, Mississauga

Tucked within a community on the cusp of revival, this award-winning home features traditional exterior elements such as hand-chiseled stone and soaring rooflines. The interior is a subtle mix of contemporary staples and traditional details.

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There were a lot of things we liked about working with Peter at Modern Homes. He was hard-working, he worked long hours, and he was super honest. He didn’t skim me for money. He contacted me with issues and always stayed calm in moments of stress. An example was when a stone delivery arrived late and I was concerned it would be stolen from the front yard overnight. Peter came at 10:00 p.m. and spent hours helping my family carry the heavy stone, one piece at a time, into the garage. He was there for us from A to Z.
Genry and Mary

House House House House House

Modern Homes Inc.

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